Mr. Swanzy

Nachdem ich meinen neuen Freund, Mr. Swanzy, heute schon auf dem Weg zur Subway getroffen habe, als er seinem A4 entstieg, der angeblich nicht viel wert sei in den USA, weil schon 10 Jahre alt, dafür aber umso teurer im Unterhalt, bin ich natürlich gewohnheitsgemäß bei meiner Rückkehr nach Williamsburg bei Walgreens eingekehrt, um mich mit abendlichen Nahrungsmitteln einzudecken.

Und als ich reinkam, stand am Eingang schon Kobby Swanzy, zeigte mit dem Daumen nach oben und grinste von Brooklyn bis Harlem. Ich habe mich so gefreut, den Kerl zu sehen, weil der einfach beste Laune verbreitet, was ich nach den heutigen Subway-Erlebnissen (“Fat white Sucker!”, weil ich nicht rechtzeitig einer Viermädelstruppe auf der Treppe ausgewichen bin) sehr nötig hatte.

Wir haben länger gequatscht und dann Email-Adressen und Telefonnummern ausgetauscht. Und weil der gute Kobby, der eigentlich aus Ghana ist, aber schon seit 10 Jahren in Brooklyn lebt und arbeitet, mir dreimal den Tag bzw. den Abend mit seiner unglaublich sympathischen Art gerettet hat, hat er auch schon eine Email bekommen – solche Leute hätte man gerne im Freundeskreis.

yo, man!

i told you, i’ll send you an email. thanks again for making my day three times – i mean, i am from a huge loud and stressy city, but certainly nyc beats it by orders of magnitude. sometimes i just stood somehere and thought, i hate that fucking city. especially when standing at some rotten subway station wiating for a train that wouldn’t come. and if its coming its completely crowded. ppl being rude or annoyed or just cool or all at once. yeah – its almost the same in berlin, but i am used to it in berlin. i guess you get used to it, when living here as well. but here, it’s much tougher tho. i mean – on my trip i had been to really nice and calm places (new zealand!) with relaxed friendly ppl, who wouldn’t hurry at all, smile at you etc… so whenever i stoo at one of these places and was about losing my temper, i remembered that in the evening i’m gonna meet you and your all bright smile again and i thought to myself, there still are nice ppl in this city. take it as a compliment, i mean it exactly as i wrote it. so thanks!

btw… if you look here:

you might find out, that i tried to look sharp at you city. tried to find the ups and the downs. the fassades and whats behind them. and one thing is for sure – this damn place is full of extraordinary beautiful women – mainly afro american and hispanic. i never saw so much pride, dignity und beauty gathered in one human being than when looking at all these women. i rather would have liked to take tons of pictures of these beautiful beings – but i shouldnt disturb their privacy, so i’ll keep them in mind as great memory. even a very small black one in a subway who flirted with me. you know, they always flirt these little ones. not to be mistaken – of course thats not flirting like in „lets have a date“ or something (like this…). its just, even at the age of – say – 4 they already know, how to wrap you around their fingers (if that makes sense) and she was absolutely cute. making faces at me, so i responded with funny faces and we both were smiling. until her mother realized that and gave me a rather grim look. what a pity – i just was trying to be nice and friendly. well… would be just great, if ppl would be able to accept each other and live together…

see ya, man – it really has been a great pleasure meeting you – and thats not the all american phrase, but honestly and european meant!

best regards
